Meet Fisani Moyo

Hello, I’m Fisani Manala Moyo, and I want to share a bit about myself. I’m a determined individual who has faced many obstacles, but I never let them get in the way of my goals. As a family man, a Pastor,  and a successful businessman in the mining industry, I’m always looking for ways to make a positive impact on my community.

I hold leadership positions in EEG Matebeleland South and Mat-South Zanu PF Secretary for Indigenization and Economic Empowerment. I’m committed to economic empowerment and sustainable development, and I have a vision for a better future for all Zimbabweans. That’s why I’m excited to announce that I’ll be representing Zanu Pf as the MP Candidate for Gwanda Tshitaudze Constituency in the upcoming general elections.

I believe that I can make a positive impact on my community by serving as their representative, and I’m committed to working tirelessly to achieve that goal. My vision aligns with the President His Excellency President ED Mnangwagwa’s Vision 2030, which aims to transform Zimbabwe into an upper middle-income economy, with a better quality of life for all citizens. Together, we can achieve this goal and create a better future for our country.

fisani photodf

Campaign Focus

Community Empowerment

Supporting sports, arts, and culture to raise awareness and address social issues.

Improved Healthcare and Access

Increasing the number of community ambulances, construction of clinics and enhancing healthcare services.

Sustainable Mining Development

Empowering small – scale miners while preserving the environment.

Access to Quality Education

Completing school building projects to provide better educational opportunities.

Access to Clean Water and Sanitation

Drilling boreholes in the Tshitaudze Area to ensure clean water availability.

Equality, Equity and Economic Empowerment

Providing women and the youth with income – generating projects from Poultry to Mining.

Enhanced Connectivity and Communication

Ensuring optimal network coverage in all areas of the constituency.

Support and Safeguarding Vulnerable Populations

Establishing a social service platform to assist those in need.

Foster Community Cohesion

We will share a common vision and sense of belonging for all our communities, while appreciating and positively giving value to our diverse backgrounds and circumstances in order to offer similar life opportunities.

Regular Constituency Indabas

To ensure transparency and accountability, I will hold monthly constituency indabas in order to fine tune our strategies and foster collaborative development.

Harnessing Carbon Credits Through Tree Planting

Aim to Plant 150 Fruit Tress at every School in the Constituency. To connect with the global carbon credits market. unlocking economic opportunities to our community whilst promoting environmental sustainability.

Establishing Innovation Hubs for Youth and Community Upskilling

Establishing innovation hubs to upskill IT skills for youths and the community. These hubs will provide opportunities for learning and growth, empowering individuals to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Campaign Trail



Soccer Tournment

0800hrs-1600hrs | Colleen Bawn Stadium



Gwanda-Tshitaudze Rally

0800hrs-1600hrs| Phelandaba Stadium



Tshitaudze Rally


2023 August General Elections Count Down

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